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Bonalesedi Digital Computer

ACC/ 2013/ 09/ 999
Influence Career Aspirations
Incorporating computer education in schools can inspire students to undertake careers in technology and enhance their understanding of how computer technology impacts people’s daily lives. The knowledge acquired in elementary and high school may increase their interest in computer-related fields during their college education. Furthermore, computer education provides students with a grounding in computer-related software and activities, such as using office suite, programming languages and creating data sheets. Students can apply these skills to a range of occupations later in life.
Enhanced Creativity
Computer classes allow students to put their creativity to use. For example, classes can involve assembling and disassembling computer parts, which require students to think about and understand how parts function. Students can transfer their enhanced creativity to other activities in their lives, including memorizing scientific facts, historical information or mathematical formulas. Computer education also reduces the time needed to efficiently learn new material.
Plan to Educate the Disabled citizens of SA with Computer Knowledge
In a world where technology is a part of life, there are many who are denied this. Computer skills for disabled people are important. This creates a sense of belonging and independence in a world surrounded by technology.
We Hope For:
Reducing the employment gap between abled and disabled.
Reduced discrimination by employers
Employment support with compensation
Uncapped grants – reasonable government funding
People with disabilities desperately need:
Access to assistive devices
Computer skills training
Supportive communities and government
Workplace Accommodations
University Accommodations
Acceptance as a member of society
Transportation to and from education facility
Their human right to be recognized
Unbiased attitudes and removal of unjustified perceptions
Employers who see potential and see past the stigma
We At Bonalesedi Computer College strive to change lives by:
Train people with disabilities with basic and advanced computer skills
Assist the blind and disabled gain employment through computer skills for disabled
Encourage the community and government to invest in computer skills for disabled
Help people with disabilities be a part of society
Scarce Skills
Scarcity often arises when the vocation is new, and only a few professionals have relevant skills in the area.
Scarce Skills Benefits. There are plenty of benefits that come with studying scarce skills courses, like leading to a better chance at finding work. You will also experience the benefit of having many opportunities and having the chance to choose the best fit for you